Our Story

Experience guarantees quality

In 1918, Jaudat Abdulla Slik founded his factory in the heart of Damascus. Within a very short time, he was considered one of the two most famous chocolatiers in the city. In 1960 he opened a branch on the famous Bazar Salihiyah and quickly became known beyond the borders of Syria.


One goal - Quality

The eldest of four sons in the family got involved in his father's work early on, and Iyad, the first-born grandson, visited his grandfather every day at the age of ten and watched the making of fine sweets. He was fascinated by how almonds, pistachios, dried fruit, rose water and chocolate were processed into exquisite sweets. His passion sparked. Iyad visited the United States and European countries to look at the markets there and brought new impulses home. He soon opened a new shop in Malki, one of the posh areas in Damascus. The combination of tradition and modernity was combined in the new brand name: Maison De Slik.
Many French people lived in Damascus, who felt that the products spoke to them just as much as the Arabic-speaking customers. But above all, the products and the quality of the ingredients, such as pistachios from Aleppo, the best in the world, almonds and sun-ripened fruit were astonishing.

No visitor, no tourist left Damascus without a gift box from Slik.

Maison de Slik was and still is a guaranteed quality confectionery, the name is known to everyone in Syria. Iyad wanted to expand, a franchise company and small factories in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan were to be founded. But in 2011 the war broke out. What now? The factories were temporarily relocated to Jordan and Iyad left his home. He left to live with his family in Berlin since 2014 and he manages his business from there. Today, the production continues in Syria. Fortunately, Iyad’s factory is only twelve kilometers from the center of Damascus. Transport and supply routes are difficult in the current situation and lead directly to the crisis areas. Iyad's perseverance and belief in the future of the Maison de Slik allowed the business to continue; despite all adversity. When he first came to Germany in 1985, it was the beginning of a love story. At that time he already knew that he wanted to open up the German market. "After all, Germany stands for high quality products," says Iyad and " Made in Germany is still considered a status and a symbol of quality in Syria today ". This quality standard also applies to all products from the Maison de Slik!